Welcome to our FAQ section
If the question does not appear in the list, dial (55) 1560-0561 or e- mail reservaciones@safeconfidence.com.mx in order to get an adequate answer.
Is our personnel trustworthy?
Our personnel is hired through a lightly strict selection process and recruitment.
How many hours does the service include?
It depends on the service, for example, the executive transportation Service only understands the travel time to the point or City requested.
Our drivers will attend your for as long as 10 coninuous hours, though you can request an extension up to 24 hours. Overtime is taken into account starting at 10 pm.
Can I reserve for any day and any hour?
Our service is available 24 Hours, 365 days of the year. Your reservation is guaranteed with 24 hours of anticipation. With a lesser time, your service will be subject of driver and vehicle availability.
How can I be sure that my service involves the unit I requested?
Once we confirm your service we guarantee taht your unit will meet the requirements you specified, like category and size. If we, by any means, are not able to provide the vehicle category you asked for, you would be granted a unit from an upper category to the one requested.
In what moment must I pay the service?
We ask our service costs to be covered a minimum of 24 hours before the service begins. In some special cases, these costs may be covered minutes before the departure of the requested unit. You can also grant your payment with a credit card transaction and pay after your service concludes.
Can I extend the service I first requested?
Yes, you may extend the time of your services as long as you need it, without a time limit.
How will you contact me in the airport to begin my service?
The company will contact you before your service, providin you with essencial data and phone number of your driver. Also, a meeting point is agreed, and your driver will have a placard with your name on it.
Are your vehicles new?
Our vehicles are recent models. 98% of our fleet are 3 years old or less, and they are always under a strict control of preventive mantainance, which guarantees that the units’ performance will be optimal every time.
Do you have bodyguard drivers?
No. Our drivers are executive ones and are certified in defensive driving and first aid support. We offer a separate escort service, but these just take care of you. They are not allowed to drive.
Can you coordinate my congresses, conventions, sports or social events?
We can certainly organize your events according to the guest number and the desired vehicle category/level.
How can I pay the service?
You may pay with a credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), bank transferences, checks and, under determined circumstances, your service might be paid in cash.
Can I request the service with bilingual drivers?
Yes, we offer this kind of service with an additional cost of $200.00 MXN per day of service.
Do your services include tolls?
Yes, but just in the case of the executive transportation service. If you requested the car with driver service, tolls are not included in the initial price.
Can my service be made outside Mexico City?
Yes, as long as the trip has Mexico City as an origin or destiny.
Can I change my destiny to somewhere outside of Mexico City afterwards?
Yes, as long as the extra expenses are fully covered bu the client.
Is there coverage for any damage taken by my unit in the case of Driver with own car service?
We take responsibility for any damage as long as it is determined that this was the result of some distraction or negligence from any of our operators. Your vehicle needs to have an insurance with a wide coverage, otherwise we delimit from any responsibility.
Have your units medical service insurance?
Our vehicles have a policy that covers this requirement (The terms of the same meet the requirements of the Mexican law.)
As a client, am I responsible for the vehicle I am transported in?
You are responsible-free if the service is made in one of our vehicles. If the vehicle of your service, in the case of an accident, gets temporarily disabled, you will be provided with another unit as soon as possible.
(This does not apply if you request only the chauffeur service since you provide the unit).
Can my service hours be split? For example, use the driver service for a couple of hours, then let it standby and continue with it afterwards?
Your service is contabilized from the moment it begins, uninterruptedly, since we cannot deploy your driver to a different service.
If I need to cancel a service, could I do it without generating an additional charge?
In order to make a cancellation without an additional cost, you need to do it 24 hours before the beggining of your service. Otherwise, you will be charged for either the full service price or a one-day service (the lowest will be chosen). In the case of armoured vehicles, the cancellation without charge time if of 5 business days. Otherwise, you will be charged with the full service cost.